Let it grow, then let it go.
It's my identifier. It's unpredictable. It's impetuous. It's rambunctious. It's my hair. This autumn, it will be six years since I've...
Time Out
I was hitting my marks. My pace was on target. My distance was met. I felt proud sharing my accomplishments with my coach. My running...
Finding my voice
I've never had a commanding voice. I spoke too quietly causing many people I conversed with to lean in a bit in an effort to catch a...
I'm a non-running runner
We are all filled with unnecessary insecurities when it comes to running. I'm not fast enough. I'm too big to run. I'm too small to run....
Running: Business or Pleasure
We all know the feeling. You are tired. You are worn-out. You have a million other things on your mind weighted down by obligation. ...
The Beginning
My heart is so full. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of witnessing the greatness of some truly amazing people at the 2017 Sticks n' Stones...
3 sentences
Three sentences. That was all I asked for when I sent a quick message to a few people asking why running was important to them. I was...
Happy trails to you, until we meet again
Trail racing. The blood...the sweat...the tears...the mud! At the forefront of it all, the community of trail racers that brave the...